Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weight Loss Vegetable Soup

This recipe is one my mom have me when she was on Weight Watchers.  I just copied and pasted it in here.  

"We found this soup to be very effective in reducing toxemia in my midwives practice, from around 5% to less than 1%. the national average is between 10 and 25%. 

It is made as a edible fast or cleanse, as we believe (though the med model often disagrees) that toxemia (PIH) is almost solely caused by diet and that by cleansing your liver and kidneys and improving nutrition will lower the blood pressure and reduce other effects of toxemia. 

When we first see women showing signs of toxemia, rising bp, swelling, protein in the urine etc... we encourage them to eat this soup for 3 days. We have had AWESOME results."

1 bulb garlic (and yes I mean the whole bulb) cut coarsely 
1 red onion 
1 white onion 
1 yellow onion
1 cup mushrooms 
1 cup carrots 
1 cup spinach 
1 cup broccoli 
1 cup cabbage (shredded) 
1 cup yellow squash 
1 cup zuchinni 
2 cups tomatos

The first 4 ingredients (garlic and onions) are not optional, though you can use 3 onions of the same type, but I like all the different flavors better.

The other ingredients you can have or not have and the amounts are not precise. You can also add other veggies but You want there to be a good variety of colors represented in the soup. And you want them to be fresh, no canned or frozen. A little salt is okay, but not too much.

Do not use potato, celery, corn, or any other veggie that is starchy or has no or low nutritional value.

Cut all the veggies to around the same size pieces (except the garlic it should be smaller, but still chunky for garlic).

Use a tiny bit of olive oil (not vegetable oil) and cook the garlic and onions until they begin to sweat. Add the mushrooms let cook for a few minutes.

Fill a large pot about 1/2 way with water. add the rest of the veggies. Add the cooked garlic, onions and mushrooms. 
Boil until the veggies are cooked but still crisp.

It is meant to be eaten for three days. Eat it as often as you are hungry as it is all you eat and the only beverage is water.
After this cleanse your body should be much improved! >>>

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