Saturday, January 10, 2015

Homemade Almond Milk - So Easy!

Do you like to drink almond milk?  Have you ever wondered how had it is to just make it yourself?  Come to find out, it's so very easy!

For 2 cups of almond milk you need: 

1 cup almonds
2 cups water
Nut Milk Bag or Cheese Cloth

First, put your almonds and water in the blender. 

Turn it on to the highest setting and blend until almonds are blended up into little bits. 

Get your nut milk bag ready. 

Pour the mixture through the bag into a container. 

Strain it through and squeeze the excess milk out. 

Pour the milk into a jar or container and store in the refrigerator.  

I then put out the nuts that was strained, lay them to dry, and use them for cooking.